KPE is the utility and governance token for the KPerp.Exchange.
Token Information
KPE token address: 0x3817e3f374bABcB0CFa5A39EB59d97aDc6812098
After staking KPE, you will receive staked KPE:
KPE staked token address: 0xbf1E247cc2B36b3f3caE91bEd258EDa9788d933f
Staked KPE generates three reward types:
Multiplier Points
30% of swap and leverage trading fees are converted to $KAVA and distributed to the accounts staking KPE.
Treasury Assets
The KPE-USDC LP liquidity is provided and owned by the Protocol (Locked).
The maximum supply of KPE is 5,000,000.
Circulating supply changes are dictated by the number of tokens that are distributed through other DEXs, vested, burnt and spent on marketing.
KPE allocations are:
500,000 KPE reserved marketing, partnerships and community development (not allocated)
3 million KPE reserved for rewards (as esKPE which can be converted over time to KPE)
500,000 KPE paired with USDC for liquidity on Elk Finance
150,000 KPE for KPerp.Exchange team (linearly vested over two years)
600,000 KPE allocated to presale
KPE token price at launch: 1 USDC
Whitelisted public presale = 600,000 KPE at 8% discount (0.92 USDC/KPE), 500 slots
12% of the total supply (600,000) KPE tokens will be distributed through a presale:
-> 500,000 USDC as initial KLP liquidity (owned by the KPE Treasury)
Liquidity is owned by the KPERP protocol and locked.
Last updated