KPerp.Exchange contracts
Kava EVM
Token contracts:
Trading pairs
KPE-USDC Elk Finance Pool: 0x9321922ae0e4Ad4642707cAc5bBaECF9C26f2B18
Core contracts:
KLPManager 0x06aFA60dA872F95edE503Bd27543E3Eb2dc77695 OrderBook 0x038058327BE336Eb3dD8daD182B196752B648bB3
OrderExecutor 0x6fd9cCCb64C8Be97DE7798eDeAD22e074aea430A
PositionManager 0x20DbB1e71E98Cf0906E9eA7675911b937A1C68F8
PositionRouter 0x91E4701186E1640121F3DC88e57D2E530ad427C0
Router 0x546E383CCaBdcCf348e2239e202566e7b824DF97
Vault 0xA64227152CBF5f0F9d48E8a54a28D0DDBd8D5e38
VaultErrorController 0xD92B90BcA03818634089f13891Bed8f707f6f0c0
VaultUtils 0x04d3FdC7Cbe159C4AB62e3EFd964973ffcbd0e8d
Oracle contracts:
FastPriceEvents 0x7Af0e20C39c0b1B7E4F5372e4DFFfC0fc88B606B
FastPriceFeed 0xDCb0F74a2e26380a52728b3da5bb3031DE96cEFb
Peripheral contracts:
BatchSender 0x12Fe6b85a38eAf48Fd59Cd3ad5b441B85B35b3b7
esKPEBatchSender 0x403C94FF5C79efcaae46760C5e3402C80DeB42d6
Timelock 0xe36076A122c4089AEAdf3c63b2fA40f7FccD6E74
TokenManager 0xc143DBb36e40df93138E621608928Cb51E13330D
OrderBookReader 0x6fd9cCCb64C8Be97DE7798eDeAD22e074aea430A
Reader 0xb46B48daB7eFebEE44728E770ad84FcAC7168D81
RewardReader 0xD870Beb69169f58F73ec4B8f343c63464fa94590
VaultReader 0xcA78c665a581CdD473e204ad6Cd0476Fbd776877
Referral contracts:
ReferralReader 0xB1583Abdf7FD520eFDA92a9A4f1d443fa54A500a
ReferralStorage 0xf1846c8DC06C6227007932413018c0D40EB25f80
Reward contracts:
RewardRouter 0xcc9d37bDaF874Fa07c8598A95407FDE4d9f67725
Staked KPE (sKPE): 0x0ccf044c5fc03b2527F1f2BBaa588bCb27158522
Staked + Bonus KPE (sbKPE): 0x9d1FBA576dcF223E89C065Ce8D081a4331397288
Staked + Bonus + Fee KPE (sbfKPE): 0xFB7FAB7F4B712eD3a45941F4611C846234165378
Fee KLP (fKLP): 0xCF4a5eAfc8B08C3bE1c4Be2343d1FB762a0C768F
Fee + Staked KLP (fsKLP): 0xecEb9ac90B5D38a0D0Cd223245BDE2Dc67453690
Staked KPE Distributor: 0x76704F7596502641FAe4038e3637fB5537A3Dac6
Bonus KPE Distributor: 0x703103751053272a0F1bc0dD24da47248B5CC559
Fee KPE Distributor: 0xBAcA4D520400B586BfcEbA25B1BFbe9C65457c1f
Fee KLP Distributor: 0xE7b9136606021720A9D6AE2712b2F4dc3945e382
Staked KLP Distributor: 0xDFfFBb896dd7994326E9f37DfF1a79C8Bfd5dDA9
Staking contracts:
KLPBalance 0x56e6F78d69411E802AABf6535a7cA9900595626a
KPEVester 0x1c02a02496a09c8c2B9DDa021464db6C7E032095
KLPVester 0x580E7B6F201DfC10467Ff6C196A765F43a8a227f
StakeManager 0x60dD5C3c9F2eC7D2eA3b1b067f47b615f25eb44A
To execute a swap:
Approve the Router contract for the token and amount you would like to swap
Call Router.swap with parameters:
_path: [tokenIn, tokenOut]
_amountIn: amount of tokenIn to swap
_minOut: minimum expected output amount
_receiver: address of the receiver of tokenOut
The function will revert if the amount of tokenOut sent to the receiver is less than _minOut
To get swap amounts before execution:
Call Reader.getMaxAmountIn with parameters:
_vault: address of the vault
_tokenIn: address of token that will be given
_tokenOut: address of token to be received
The max amount of tokenIn that can be swapped will be returned
Call Reader.getAmountOut with parameters:
_vault: address of the vault
_tokenIn: address of token that will be given
_tokenOut: address of token to be received
_amountIn: amount of tokenIn to swap
Two values will be returned, the first is the amount out after fees, and the second is the fee amount
The fee amount will be in terms of tokenOut
Query Available Amounts
The maximum sum of all position sizes is capped by the amount of tokens there are in the pool, for example, if the total sizes of all ETH long positions is 4,000,000 USD and the pool has 1000 ETH with 800 ETH reserved for the positions, then the maximum position size of a long position that can be opened would be 200 ETH worth.
Vault.poolAmounts(_token) can be used to retrieve the amount of tokens in the pool. Vault.reservedAmounts(_token) can be used to retrieve the reserved amount of tokens.
For shorts, the query would depend on the stablecoin token used to open the position.
Opening / Increasing a Position
To open or increase the size of an existing position:
Approve the Router contract for the token and amount you would deposit as collateral for the position
PositionManager.increasePosition can be called by partner contracts and will open the position in one transaction
Alternatively PositionRouter.createIncreasePosition can be used by any contract and will request the position to be opened, a keeper will then execute this request
PositionRouter.createIncreasePosition has the same input parameters but additionally has an executionFee value that can be set to PositionRouter.minExecutionFee. If the position cannot be opened at the specified "_price" value then the request will be cancelled and the funds sent back to the account that made the request
Call PositionManager.increasePosition with parameters:
_path: [tokenIn, collateralToken] or [tokenIn]
_indexToken: the address of the token you want to long or short
_amountIn: the amount of tokenIn you want to deposit as collateral
_minOut: the min amount of collateralToken to swap for
_sizeDelta: the USD value of the change in position size
_isLong: whether to long or short
_price: the USD value of the max (for longs) or min (for shorts) index price accepted when opening the position
_path allows swapping to the collateralToken if needed
For longs, the collateralToken must be the same as the indexToken
For shorts, the collateralToken can be any stablecoin token
_minOut can be zero if no swap is required
USD values for _sizeDelta and _price are multiplied by (10 ** 30), so for example to open a long position of size 1000 USD, the value 1000 * (10 ** 30) should be used
Closing / Decreasing a Position
To close or decrease an existing position:
PositionManager.decreasePosition can be called by partner contracts and will close or decrease the position in one transaction
Alternatively PositionRouter.createDecreasePosition can be used by any contract and will request the position to be closed / decreased, a keeper will then execute this request.
PositionRouter.createDecreasePosition has the same input parameters but additionally has an executionFee value that can be set to PositionRouter.minExecutionFee. If the position cannot be opened at the specified "_price" value then the request will be cancelled
Call Router.decreasePosition with parameters:
_collateralToken: the collateral token used
_indexToken: the index token of the position
_collateralDelta: the amount of collateral in USD value to withdraw
_sizeDelta: the USD value of the change in position size
_isLong: whether the position is a long or short
_receiver: the address to receive the withdrawn tokens
_price: the USD value of the min (for shorts) or max (for longs) index price accepted when decreasing the position
If _sizeDelta is the same size as the position, the collateral after adding profits or deducting losses will be sent to the receiver address
Positions List
A list of position details can be retrieved by calling Reader.getPositions
_vault: the vault contract address
_account: the account of the user
_collateralTokens: an array of collateralTokens
_indexTokens: an array of indexTokens
_isLong: an array of whether the position is a long position
The returned positions will be in the order of the query, for example, given the following inputs:
_collateralTokens: [WBTC.address, WETH.address, USDC.address]
_indexTokens: [WBTC.address, WETH.address, WBTC.address]
_isLong: [true, true, false]
The position details would be returned for
Long BTC position, positionIndex: 0
Long ETH position, positionIndex: 1
Short BTC position, positionIndex: 2
The returned array would be a list of values ordered by the positions:
position size in USD
value at: positionIndex * 9
position collateral in USD
value at: positionIndex * 9 + 1
average entry price of the position in USD
value at: positionIndex * 9 + 2
a snapshot of the cumulative funding rate at the time the position was entered
value at: positionIndex * 9 + 3
1 if the position has a positive realised profit, 0 otherwise
value at: positionIndex * 9 + 4
the realised PnL for the position in USD
value at: positionIndex * 9 + 5
timestamp of the last time the position was increased
value at: positionIndex * 9 + 6
1 if the position is currently in profit, 0 otherwise
value at: positionIndex * 9 + 7
amount of current profit or loss of the position in USD
value at: positionIndex * 9 + 8
Last updated